Tuesday 20 October 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens - trailer breakdown

Every bit of promotional material that gets released for The Force Awakens leads me to believe that it's going to be good, so ever since the first trailer came out I ditched all preconceptions that the film would suck.  The trailers have been good, and I trust in JJ (even if he did bail out on Lost after five minutes and left Damon to do everything), so I've been assumed it's going to be great for months, and now I have this fear that it is going to suck, because I've gotten my hopes up so much.  Maybe it'll turn out shit.  But hey, I guess we'll have to wait until 18 December to find out, won't we?  In the meantime, they've given us a new trailer, and it makes the movie look incredible.

Here's the full trailer if you haven't seen it yet:

And now here's some things I picked out upon viewing:

The set design looks great.  It has that combination of the practical set look of the original trilogy and the over-CGI'd backdrops of the prequels, which I assume is what JJ was going for.

Here's BB-8, either the new R2-D2 or the new Jar Jar Binks.  I'm convinced BB stands for beach ball and it's a nod to John Carpenter's budget droid in his movie Dark Star.

I am loving the new look for the Stormtroopers.  They've modernised it, yet kept the essence of the original.  Whoever's been put in charge of costume design, good job.

Here we go with the lens flare.  He really can't resist, can he?

I like that there's a sort of graveyard of the Empire to remind you that this is a continuous story through and through, and the Rebels accomplished a lot in Return of the Jedi.  It points out that this is strictly a sequel and not a bullshit reboot like every other franchise continuation these days.

"It's true.  All of it."  Harrison Ford looks like he's settled back into the role of Han nicely, returning to the 70s/80s charm but layering it with his newfound 00s gruffness.

So apparently this is what hyperdrive looks like now...

No idea what's going on here but it looks fucking awesome!

What the hell is this thing?!  Did it wander off the set of Chappie?

Is it just me, or is that a lot of TIE fighters?  One thing I've noticed is that none of the dogfights take place in space.  They're all in the sky of some planet.  It's Star Wars, not Red Tails!  Get the spaceships back out to space!  Also, where the hell is Luke?!  He's nowhere to be seen!  He wasn't even in the new poster.

This poster, huh?  What a fucking beaut!

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