Monday 19 October 2015

Welcome to our blog

Welcome to our blog, which will cover - you guessed it - news, reviews, interviews and such. During our unhealthy amounts of spare time, we'll be bringing you content from a wide range of nerdy categories from gaming to TV shows, which we watch a lot of in said spare time, and movies, don't forget those bad boys. Our judgements of whether or not these things are good should help you trim the fat on your gaming and cinema-going and TV viewing and buy you more time to go outside and experience the real world. Anyway, this is just our first post and won't be our last. We hope you'll turn a blind eye to real news about real issues and come here to fill your minds with who's being cast in what. We're here for a good time so let's have one. Stick around for the coming days for more, unless you have something better to do, in which case go do that and stop wasting your time here.

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